Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Effect of Lyrics in Music on Society

Music and its lyrical content has become an integral component of society as it constitutes an essential part in most people’s lives. The advent of MP3 players, ipods and similar gadgets has cemented the widespread reach of musical lyrics, particularly among the so – called MTV generation. While this point cannot be called into question, the exact effect of lyrics on society at large is debatable and is the subject of much controversy. The reason for this is the paucity of research on the said subject. In response to public concern over the harmful effects of explicit lyrics, much has been said and written about it but there is little scientific evidence to back up opposing claims. A careful analysis of the existing research literature, however, reveals that the lyrics in music exercises a profound influence on society and moreover, there is disturbing evidence to show that it does more harm than good. Arguments and Counterarguments about the Effect of Lyrics in Music It has been argued that the lyrical content of music has precious little effect on the collective psyche of the masses and that the focus on its pervasive influence and perceived harmful effects is largely uncalled for. The meaning of songs is subject to interpretation, it has been claimed and as such depends entirely on the listener and his or her individual perception. Besides songs nowadays are layered with intricate meaning and severely tax the cognitive skills of the listeners who usually misinterpret the lyrics or simply don’t care about them. Some are of the opinion that it is solely music as opposed to its lyrical content that affects the masses. Studies conducted by Rosenbaum and Prinsky as well as Wass et al. have supported this claim by revealing that â€Å"†¦ listeners have reported that song lyrics are not particularly important to them and that they are more attracted to qualities of music than they are to the lyrics† (qtd. in Hansen & Hansen 178). All these viewpoints are misleading as they underestimate the sheer insidiousness and impact of the lyrics in songs. The tremendous popularity of rap music bears testament to the power of words, particularly since rap or hip – hop focuses entirely on the lyrics and music merely serves to accentuate the clever wordplay and inherent themes. Thus the genre of rap music with its attendant controversy and crazed fan – following highlights the immense effect lyrics have on society. Further Hansen and Hansen have concluded from their studies that â€Å"†¦despite low levels of lyric comprehension and recall of song lyrics, listeners were able to extract themes of sex, suicide, violence,   and satanism from songs by popular heavy metal groups using schematic processing† (178) . On the basis of this and other studies, it may be concluded that the lyrics in music have the ability to shape impressionable minds, influence beliefs, determine one’s outlook towards life and subsequently at an overt level, affect the behavior and actions of individuals. Lyrics may enable people to become cognizant of socially relevant issues and empathize with their fellow humans. But more often that not lyrics of popular music appears to spawn harmful effects that have dangerous implications for our society. The Harmful Effects of Lyrics and Its Impact on Society Over the years, the lyrical content of music has undergone a metamorphosis of sorts. Lyrical themes no longer celebrate romantic love and peace but glorify pleasures of the flesh, aggression and drug use. Therefore people have become increasingly concerned with lyrics replete with sexual and violent overtones, particularly their influence on youngsters. This concern is not misplaced because in the words of Hargrave and Livingstone, â€Å"†¦ studies reveal consistent messages in music lyrics that may be considered harmful including messages promoting violence among boys / men, homophobic messages, or those encouraging early sexuality among young girls / women† (109) . Contemporary music abounds with alarmingly casual descriptions of lustful and violent activities and has had the effect of desensitizing the masses and prompting individuals to make unwise decisions. With regard to the accusation of harmful effects, lyrics have been directly implicated as a study by â€Å"Rubin, West, and Mitchell (2001) found that fans of rap and heavy metal music scored significantly higher on measures of aggression than did fans of other musical genres† (Giles 67) . And of course it is these particular genres that have come under fire for their brutal lyrics. Thus there is little doubt as to the effects of explicit lyrics on listeners. Thanks to the offensive material conveyed by songs, many of the evils that plague our society can be directly linked to the lyrics in music. For instance the increased incidence of sexual activity among adolescents, teen pregnancies, drug use, violence against homosexuals, women and other minority groups may be traced to the lyrical content of music. In view of the existing evidence, the pervasive effect of lyrics cannot be taken lightly as it threatens to undermine the very foundation on which society is based. Conclusion In light of the evidence outlined above, one may safely assert that the lyrics in music affect society to a large extent. In addition to their profound influence it is found that their effects can be harmful to the individual as well as society. Therefore the impact of lyrical content cannot be ignored or underestimated and further research is imperative to determine its exact nature. Works Cited Giles, David. Media Psychology. Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003. Hansen, Christine, and Ranald Hansen. â€Å"Music and Music Videos†.   Media Entertainment: The Psychology of Its Appeal. Eds. Dolf Zillmann and Peter Vorderer. Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2000. 175 – 96. Hargrave, Andrea and Sonia Livingstone. Harm and offence in media Content: A Review of the Evidence. Portland: Intellect Books, 2006.   

Friday, August 30, 2019

Cold War Essay

Cold War was a period marked by political, ideological and economic rivalry that emanated from United States and Soviet Union after the Second World War. The animosity between United State and USSR lasted between late 1940s and late 1980s . Cold war was coined from the fact that the two sides feared the effect using weapons, instead they resorted diplomatic ideologies rather than force. The rivalry between these two supper powers was exposed through the weapons developments, military coalitions, advances in industrialization and technology. Cold war brought tension to international crises, for example the Berlin Blockade (1948-49), the Korean War (1950-53), the Berlin crisis in 1961, Vietnam War (1959-75) the Cuban missile crisis and the Afghanistan war which raised fear of a Third World War . The NATO exercise in 1983 patent the end such crisis. The collapse of the Soviet Union marked the end of cold war between late 1980s and early 1990s and the progress towards democracy began. The then president of United States, Ronald Reagan, came up with new policies. He increased economic pressure, military action and diplomacy on Soviet Union who by then was undergoing economic crisis . The clear cut regarding the origin of the Cold War is not well known. While some historians trace its origin to the end of world war 11, others argue that it began at the end of the First World War in the 19th Century with the United States, Russian Empire and the British Empire. The ideological differences between capitalist and communist started in 1970 with the coming out of Soviet Union from Russian Revolution as a communist state. This resulted to tensions between United State and USSR because of the changes that occurred. The change in political point of views after the Second World War ushered in the Cold War. The nuclear arms race brought differences between US and Soviet Union. Between 1960s and 1970s, both United States and the Soviet Union adjusted to a new pattern of international relations bringing unity in the world. From the commencement of the postwar era, Western Europe and Japan hastily recovered from the destruction of World War II and continued strong economic growth. The 1973 oil crisis, combined with influence of Third World alignments such as the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and the Non-Aligned Movement, less-powerful countries had more opportunity to affirm their independence. 2. 0 Effects of Cold War on the World Economy The cost of the Cold War was terrific; the military expenditure by United State during that period was estimated to have exceeded more than $8 trillion and nearly 100,000 American solders lost their lives in Vietnam and Korean War. The number of lives lost in the midst of the war by Soviet solders was hard to estimate. Millions of soldiers died in the superpowers proxy wars especially in the region of the globe, most markedly in the Southeast Asia. Following to the disbanding of the Soviet Union, post cold war become unpopular with the United States becoming the only superpower in the world. On 21st Dec 1991, the Commonwealth of Independent States was formed and it was viewed by many as a successor of Soviet Union. Russia slashed military spending after the end of cold war, leaving many unemployed . The financial crisis and recession affected Russia in 1990s when they tried to reform their economic capitalistic. The cold war also influenced the world affairs. It defines the united state political role in post-world war 11. In 1953, the US president Dwight D. Eisenhower reduced military expenditure by brandishing nuclear control while continuing to fifth cold war The U. S held military alliances with some countries estimated to 50 allied to them and had more than 1. 5 million troops abroad in 117 countries by 1989. Most of the local conflicts and proxy war ended with cold war. The ethnic wars interstate war, refugees and revolutionary wars declined sharply. Cold war conflicts legacy can not be erased effortlessly as numerous economic and social tensions exploited in third world are still fresh and acute. The struggle to control those countries they ruled by Communist government has twisted it course and produced ethnic wars and civil wars especially in Yugoslavia. T he ends of cold war soup a new era of economic growth and numerous liberal democracies in East Europe. Afghanistan attained independence but unfortunately their state failure. International conflicts The war between America and Iraq, the US claimed that Iraq was preparing biological, chemical and nuclear weapons of mass destruction. Saddam Hussein who was then the Iraq president denied the allegation. This war almost brought down the US economy. The soviet-Afghan war took nine years. It was a conflict between soviet forces supporting Marxist Peoples Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) government and Mujahedeen Resistance. The latter got support from United State, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan and other Muslim nation in context to cold war. The incomplete conflict in Afghanistan has heathen tension in the war like that of Vietnam War. The U. S president Jimmy Carter said that the inversion of Soviet was â€Å"the most serious threat to peace since the Second World War† he later placed trade ban on Soviet Union. The tension was high and the Soviet took thousands military troop to oil rich region in the gulf. International diplomatic retort was harsh, Leading to boycott of 1980 summer Olympic in Moscow. The invasion and revolution in Iran, the US captive that accompanied them, the Iran–Iraq War, the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, the escalating tensions between Pakistan and India, and the rise of Middle East-born terrorism against the West, contributed to making the Middle East an extremely violent and turbulent region during the 1980s. Capitalism The capitalism is a state of government whereby economic production system are controlled by private sector rather than government. It is a social system based on individual rights. The exchange and distribution of capital between private persons or profit seeking legal are protected, and pricing of goods, distribution, services, income, and investment are determined through opened market economy in which any one can take part in supply and demand rather than central economic system. In to the history, capitalism has met resistance throughout. Some critics consider economic regulation necessary because it reduces negligence, corruptions and other problems arising from free markets. Trends associated to globalization have increased mobility of people and capital since 20th century. This has made capitalism to be viewed today as a world system. In the last half century, economic growth has been steady, life expectancy increased and infant mortality rate dropped in developing nation. In 2008, America and other governments were seeing state intervention in global markets signaling free-market capitalism. The financial Markets and uproar in banking system resulting from supreme mortgage crisis was at the peak in September 2008, this was seen by liquidity in global market and ongoing threats on investment banks. Communism Communism is a distinct socio-political philosophy that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian, classless society that is willing to use force to accomplish its goals. Communism believes in equality force. They also embrace atheism and dismiss religion as basis formed by the rich and superpowers to lock off the poor. During cold war, communism spread into many countries. The Soviet Army captured several nations in both Eastern Europe and East Asia and expand communism. The Soviet communist took control in Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany and Czechoslovakia. After the Second World War, Albania turned out to be independent communist nation. By 1950, Chinese communists controlled the majority of populous nation in the World. Whit rising control of the communism in the world, it led to fight through guerrilla warfare and conventionalism i. e. Korean War Vietnam War Middle East. Communists attempted to unite with socialist forces and nationalist against what they perceived as western imperialism in poor nations. The fear of communism was seen when Italian resistance movements and Chinas involvement in the Second World War. Western democrats and capitalist saw communist as a threat. This rivalry between the two superpowers was at the peak during the cold war. Their difference polarized the world into two camps whit each camp strengthening military power, developing new weapons and nuclear, fought each other through proxy client nations, and competed in space development technology. The U. S. feared communist spread hence spurred aggressive investigations deputation of suspected people, blacklisting and red-baiting. The economic critics of socialism was seen when they introduced free price system in market economy to guide economic activities. Free Market economist felt that controlled or fixed price will give inappropriate information about relative scarcity. The market economist sees that comparing the cost to sales revenue will enable business owners to evaluate their viability. Socialist reject market mechanism of pricing claiming that market system is tending towards monopoly or oligopoly to some key industries leading to prices distortion.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Issuing Debt and Bond Valuation Essay

1. Internally generated funds and stock issuances are available for for-profit and internally generated funds, philanthropy, government grants, and sale of real estate are available to not-for-profit health care providers to increase their equity position. 2. The advantages of a taxpaying entity in issuing debt are fixed debt service payments, fixed interest rate, no risk ha investor sells bond back, and no leer of credit needed, while disadvantages are higher issuance expenses, may result in higher interest cost over life of loan, no refunds for bonds, unstable deb service payments, and decline in cash flow if interest rates increase. 3. Debenture is an unsecured bond, which is not backed by specific assets of the organization; so, it carries higher risk with a high interest rate. On the other hand, subordinated debenture is an unsecured bond that is junior to debenture bonds. In a case of default, the bondholders are paid first. 4. An investment banker syndicate a bond issue with other investment bankers to work as an underwriter for private placements to sell to a particular institution or group of institutions (banks, pension funds, or insurance companies). 5. $1,000 zero coupon bond with a 20-year maturity has a market price of $311.80. Rate of return = (1000 / 311.80)^(1/20) = 1.7 1000 / 311.80 tells you how many times the money multiplies over 20 years. 6. A tax-exempt bond was recently issued at an annual 8 percent coupon rate and matures 20 years from today. The par value of the bond is $1,000. 7. If required market rates are 8 percent, the market price of the bond = $80 x PVFA (0.08,20) + $1000 x PVF (0.08, 20) = $80 x 9.8181 + $1000 x 0.2145 = $1000 8. If required market rates fall to 5 percent, the market price of the bond = $80 x (0.08,20) + $1000 x (0.05,20) = $750 9. Charles City Hospital plans on issuing a tax-exempt bond at the bond are $1,000. 10. If required market rates are 6 percent, the value of the bond= 60 x PVFA (0.06,1)+1000 x PVF (0.06,1)= 60 x 0.943 + 1000 x 0.943=$996.4 11. If required market rates fall to 12 percent, the value of the bond=120 x PVFA (0.12,1) + 1000 x PVF (0.12,1) = 120 x 0.892 + 1000 x 0.892 = $ 996.8 12. Since 3 percent, 6 percent, and 12 percent values are lower than $1000. They are sold at a discount. 13. Option#1 Device cost 400,000 Useful value 5 Yearly Depreciation 80,000,00 Interest rate 15% Loan period 5 Loan yearly installments 119,326.22 Option#2 Lease Yearly Payment $80,000.00 Difference between loan & Lease $39,326.22 Tax Saving=Yearly Depreciation X 40% =$32,000.00=$400,000/5 years X Tax % After tax cost of debt $3,539.00 interest component X after tax rate 9% Total saving from option#1 $35,539.00 Option #1 (Borrowing) $83,787.22 Option#2 (Leasing) $80,000.00 Therefore, Mercy medical mega center should lease the surgical device because the total cost will be less than to borrow the money to purchase the device.

How should one live Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How should one live - Essay Example 2). Most of us people believe that a life devoid of sorrow or hardships is essentially the one that is desirable. Yet another school of thought holds that sorrow and happiness are the two sides of the same coin, and that hardships are an invincible component of human life. According to them, the true essence of life lies in the success in overcoming the difficulties and challenges posed by life. A balanced approach towards life is instrumental in bringing about a transformation of the mind and the soul. It is true that happiness and peace are  the two major issues in human existence. But one can never get everything he/she wants because it is practically impossible. â€Å"The good for man is an activity of the soul in accordance with virtue, or if there are more kinds of virtue than one, in accordance with the best and most perfect kind.† (Barnes, 2004, p. 16). One can learn to control his/her mind and live a restrained and satisfied life with a whole new viewpoint. Restraint and self-control helps to purify the mind. It cleanses the thought process of negative feelings like greed, hatred and jealousy that keep us enslaved in emotional bondage. It brings the mind to a state of tranquility and awareness and leads the soul to a state of concentration and insight. Another way of leading a meaningful life is to learn to love one self. It is a matter of great regret that most of us spend our entire life cursing ourselves for what we are and pondering over what we could or should have been. We feel ashamed and embarrassed to accept what we are and keep comparing ourselves with others. Instead of self-reproach one should rather love oneself and one’s world. One should realize that pain and comfort are two facets of the same life. So if we are so eager to gain comfort, we should also not hesitate in facing pain. The idea that has to be reinforced is that one should be equally receptive to the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Captain John C. Holleran Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Captain John C. Holleran - Coursework Example He is the team leader, a coach, motivator, change agent and should provide a serene environment for effective service delivery. He should protect the assets of the firm through evaluation and control for instance utilizing budgets to bring the cost under control. When, the department reports anomalies, he is solely responsible. In the above case, retrenchment is imminent as the organization is large and this is what is driving costs higher than budgeted for. The paper will therefore respond to the above questions. The most vulnerable category of stakeholder will be the community or the society in general. This is because it will be deprived of the service rendered by the police officers retrenched. The community will also be exposed to indirect intangible cost of increased insecurity and increased crimes in the region. The living standards of the people will decrease due to decline in their income. Furthermore, captain is also likely to be affected through demotions redeployment or even redundancy. The employees will, lose their jobs, a decrease in purchasing power and some might suffer from psychological frustration due to stress. The department may have inadequate staff leading to poor quality service, straining of the small staff that could lead to fatigue. The creativity will drop significantly as the remaining vacant positions will not be filled with the right skill. It may spur up tension and mistrust among staff which in the long run will act negatively on the firm’s image, lowe r productivity. Lastly, society will be deprived of the vital service thus decreasing the social benefit enjoyed by the citizens. The society may be exposed to increase in crime rates which may destabilize it.(Pettinger,2002) According to Storey (1992), some of the resistance to effective change can either be behavioral or operational .These resistances include resisting to be redeployed, may resist the ‘new way’ and processes of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Anterior Cruciate Ligament - Essay Example The tearing of the ACL usually occurs due to a sudden direction change, or when a deceleration force crosses the knee. "The patient often feels or hears a popping sensation, has the rapid onset of swelling, and develops a buckling sensation in the knee when attempting to change direction." (The Center for Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, 2003).In order to properly diagnose an ACL injury, there must be a thorough examination, which would include: determining the mechanism of injury, examining the knee, determining the presence or absence of blood within the joint, and performing diagnostic studies. Once a tear of the ACL has been confirmed through clinical evaluation and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), the unstable knee can now be repaired. "This is only possible if the ACL is of good quality and if the ligament can be passed posterior to the PCL, both of which are determined in surgeryacutely (recently) torn ligaments are typically of better quality and therefore have a greater chan ce of being repaired as opposed to the chronically torn ligaments." (Stone, Walgenbach, and Mullin, n.d.).There are many methods which are used to reconstruct an ACL, the most common one of which in the past some have referred to as the 'Gold Standard'.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Ratio Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ratio Analysis - Research Paper Example It is interesting to see that the organization increased its profit margin from only 1.9% in 2012 to 6% in 2013 and 8.9% in 2014. As per the Morning Star (n.d.) financial reports, the company’s debt to equity ratio was nearly stable over the 2012-14 period posting 0.57%, 0.60%, and 0.59% respectively in 2012, 2013, and 2014. Comparing to the years just before the global financial crisis, Toyota is yet to achieve a stronger leverage and equity position. The company had a price-earnings (P/E) ratio of 40.46% in 2012, and this high P/E ratio indicates that investors were expecting higher earnings growth in the future because the economy had begun overcoming the recessionary pressures. Toyota’s P/E ratio declined to 15.30% in 2013 and to a further 10.30% in 2014 as the global economy regained its growth momentum, and hence investor did not expect a significant future growth in earnings. Similarly, the company’s inventory turnover ratios for the fiscal years 2012, 201 3, and 2014 were 11.20%, 11.17%, and 11.52% respectively. These ratios are low as compared to that in 2011(12.19%) and a low inventory turnover ratio indicates poor inventory management or low sales. The firm’s current ratio was almost stable over the last three years (1.05%, 1.07%, and 1.07%) (Morning Star). Referring to Allen (2011), since these ratios are greater than 1, it is clear that Toyota is â€Å"able to meet its current obligations, with a surplus of working capital† (p.202). While evaluating Toyota’s time interest earned over the 2012-14 period, it is identified that the organization is placed in a better position to meet its debt obligations effectively. Toyota recovered fast from the severe impacts of the global financial crisis 2008-09 and the organization gained notable increases in revenues in the last two fiscal years. To illustrate, Toyota’s revenue fell to  ¥18,583,653 million in 2012 due to global economic turmoil, and some major product recalls due to quality issues.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Corporate Veil in the UK and US Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

The Corporate Veil in the UK and US - Coursework Example Salomon quotes have been repeated many times over history, and it is described by Lord Templeman as an â€Å"unyielding rock†,7 especially after its being codified in the Companies Act 2006 in section 16(2). But how does the corporate veil affect corporate governance? What are the consequences of the veil, especially when it is lifted? Have directors been able to use the veil to commit fraudulent activities, or have shareholders’ rights been made stronger? It is important to first examine the concept of corporate governance, in particular in relation to directors and shareholder’s rights. Shareholder Rights and Directors in Corporate Governance Shareholders are defined as the investors in the company; they are often described to have considerable amounts of power to elect and even remove directors from the board, although it will be shown below that this is not actually the case anymore because their rights have been greatly reduced. On the other hand, the direct ors are the upper most governing body of the company, although they are restricted in many ways by way of their directors’ duties to act in the best interests of the company and to promote the business as a whole. Directors create and put into action the company’s policies and manage the actions and interactions of the company. Shareholders also possess some non-financial rights, especially in relation to the protection of their invested shares. Shareholders, as well as vote to appoint and remove directors, can also have an effect on the laws of the company, and change directors’ acts so they act according to the company laws, or articles of association. This does not mean that shareholders have a lot of power over the company generally, but their ability to vote does give them some importance and... The paper tells that corporate Governance principles have a big effect on the aspect of the corporate veil. The company structure which separates the power contained by directors in their managing roles and the ownership in the hands of the shareholders has caused problems as to how the corporate veil can affect corporate governance. How can directors be made properly accountable to the shareholders, and does this improve corporate governance? Davies terms this as â€Å"the quest for stockholder democracy†, and says the apparent simple solution of improving levels of democracy and increasing accountability in the corporate structure is difficult to apply in reality. It is suggested that increased participation of shareholders is difficult and maybe not even desirable because it makes decision making more difficult to achieve. It is said that the corporate governance principles in the US are more a result of â€Å"path-dependent history than the ‘natural’ result o f an inevitable evolution toward greater efficiency†. Yet it has been said that the UK system of separate ownership prevents corporate governance from being monitored properly. Such critics say that a more central application of corporate governance is needed, so that it can be more objective and can be implemented more quickly. Shareholders are also not willing in many cases to start litigation when fraud or abuse has happened, because of the costs of litigation that directors often have little trouble of paying but which shareholders may have problems financing in the UK.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Experiences with Pop Ups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Experiences with Pop Ups - Essay Example These pop-ups take ages to get loaded and ultimately open in different windows of the browser which makes me feel incapable of doing anything to remove them from my computer system. These pop-ups consume quite a lot of bandwidth and at times display obscene images on my screen which makes me feel really bad (Rohan 2003). I really cannot do anything worthwhile whenever these pop-ups appear and I just do not understand what to do with them. My experience with pop-ups suggests to me that I am wasting my time in different zones where I must not have gone at all in the first place. I become shocked to see how these pop-ups make all of us feel so stupid and dumb at times. Â  I am of the view that these pop-ups are immoral and these advertise things which are in bad taste and spirit. They mean business, however in a very negative way. These must not be allowed and all efforts should be undertaken by the anti- pop up makers to keep away these pop-ups which bring tension and a sense of wrath for the users. The unethical nature of these pop-ups suggests that the makers of these pop-ups and similar advertising messages are people who lack morality within their folds and hence they have little or absolutely no respect for the privacy of computer users. It is important that some legislation is passed under the cybercrime act which takes care of these pop-ups and their manufacturers so that they do not play havoc with our lives as and when they wish (Cowan 2004). The morality or the lack thereof could be gauged from the fact that these pop-ups have nude images, obscene gestures and illicit messages embedded within them, irrespective of the fact who is sittin g on the computer screen and what kind of usage is he employing as far as the computer system is concerned (Thompson 2006).

Friday, August 23, 2019

Case Study in Applied Sport Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Case Study in Applied Sport Psychology - Essay Example Somatic symptoms like muscular tension and butterflies in stomach have also been reported by Lucy during the interview. Lucy is an International netball player and plays goal attack. Though she performs well in club matches and training sessions, her performances in all the international matches remain bleak. Lucy is worried of the fact that if she continues to perform in the same way, she would probably have to lose her team’s confidence in her. This condition is leading Lucy to a deeper psychological syndrome. She is gradually losing self-belief and thinks that the coming international tournament due in just 8 months will be her last ever opportunity in the arena of international sports. Lucy finds it difficult to cope up with the pressure of performing well in International matches. She experiences weakness prior to the competition. For the treatment of Lucy, it is important to have a thorough understanding of all her symptoms. Anxiety manifests in many different ways. These symptoms can be broadly classified into Somatic, Behavioral, Emotional, Cognitive and Defensive mechanisms. The physical symptoms of anxiety include chest and muscular pain as reported by Lucy. Behavioral symptoms of anxiety experienced by Lucy include restlessness and pacing. Cognitive behavioral mechanisms like fear inducing thoughts; inability to concentrate and obsessive thinking of failures is leading Lucy to a confusing state of mind. The word ‘anxiety’ stems from the Latin word anxius. Anxiety is a response for a perception of threat, clearly distinguishable from fear, which is understood as a physiological response to a stimulus. The unpleasant sensations result from a stim ulus. John Raglin and Yuri Hanin points out that ‘similar’ stimulus may be ‘perceived as a beneficial challenge to one individual, threatening to another, and neutral to the third’. The cognitive state anxiety has usually a negative effect on the athletic

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Different Methods of Cooking Essay Example for Free

Different Methods of Cooking Essay Introduction In cooking, there are Some basic methods of cooking That Are Used. Used commonly These basic cooking methods are Divided into two general groups. The groups are: Dry heat methods and Cookery Cookery Moist heat methods. The methods of cooking are Divided into two groups thes Because of the way food is cooked and the type of Heat That Is Used. Let us have a look at the Dry Heat Cookery Methods. Dry Heat Cookery Methods In dry heat cooking methods, the food cooked Being does not use water to cook the food. The food is left is dry and Applied heat to cook the food. Such methods of cooking are: baking, steaming, grilling, and roasting. When Heat Is Applied to the food, the food Cooks Its Own Juice in the water or added to food during the ITS Preparation evaporat during the Heating Process and the Cooks this food. Heat is Applied directly to the food by convection Thusis way of making the food to get cooked. The action or movement of air around the food, cook it. Let us now have to look at each of thes cooking methods Baking [pic] [pic] In baking method of cooking, the food is cooked Heating Using convection. The food is put into an Enclosed Area Where Is Then Applied heat and the movement of heat Within the confined space, the Act on food thata make it get cooked. Steaming To steam food, water is added to the pot and Then stand is placed inside the pot. Should the water level be under the stand and not abov it. There is in contact Between the food and the water That is added to the pot. Then food is placed on the stand and Heat Is Applied. The hot steam rising from the boiling water on the Food Act and the food gets cooked. It is the hot steam That Cooks the food, as there is in contact Between the food and the water inside the pot. This method of cooking for Vegetables is very good as the food does not Lose Its Flavour and much of the Nutrients are not lost during the cooking. Grilling There are two methods of grilling That are Used These Days. One type of grilling is The One That Is Used commonly by the people in the village. This is When food is cooked over hot Charcoal on an open fire. The food is placed on top of the Charcoal Burning. Sometimes people improvisations by Using wire mesh and place it over the open fire to grill fish or Vegetables. The Other Method That Is Using grills are inbuilt in Stove. In this method, the grill, whichis you have the tray, is heated up and the food is placed on the grill tray to cook. The Heat Can Be Gas-Electric-generated or generated depending on the type of Stove Used. The food is again left to cook on the grill with the grill of the doors open. People Who Can Afford to Buy a Stove would use the grilling part theire food to grill. What Happens in this type of cooking is the heat Seals Outside the part of the food and the juice inside the food Cooks it. The Flavour of the food is not lost and much of the Nutrients are not lost eith. Frequently food is pre Turned over to it from burning and to ensure thata Equal Heating and Cooking Time Is Applied to Both Sides of the food. By doing this, the food is cooked evenly and thoroughly. Roasting [pic] [pic] With roasting, direct heat is Applied to the food. The Heat Seals Outside the part of the food and the juice inside the food Cooks the food. Roasting is mainly fleshy Used When cooking food like fish, Meat or Chicken. When Heat Is Applied to the Outer Covering of the food, it thereby Seals Trapping it up all the juice inside the food. The direct action of Heating, heat up the juice inside the food, whichis Cooks Then the food. Again there is very little nutrient lost and the Flavour is not spoilt. Frequently food is Rotated so over the Spit That There Is Even Heating Applied to All Parts of the food. That this is so heat is evenly Applied to the food to make it get cooked properly. Moist Heat Methods Cookery Cookery In Moist heat methods, the liquid is Used to medium to cook the food. Such medium could be water, Coconut cream or oil. These liquid are added to the food befor Heat is Applied to it or Sometimes heat is Applied to the Liquid befor the food is added into the cooking utensils to be cooked. The Cookery Moist heat methods include: boiling, stewing, Shallow Frying, Deep Frying, barbequing and basting. All thes Moist heat cooking methods use liquid to cook the food in. Boiling This Is The Most Common Method of cooking and is the simplest Also. With this method of cooking, enough water is added to food and Then it is cooked over the fire. The action of the heated water Makes the food to get cooked. The liquid is usually thrown away after the food is cooked. In the Case of cooking rice, all the water is absorbed by the Grain Rice to make it get cooked. Heating During the process, the dog Nutrients get lost or Destroyed and the Flavour Can Be Reduced with this method of cooking. If you over cooked cabbage, all the Nutrients dog get lost. Stewing In the Process of Using the stewing cooking method, food is cooked Using a lot of liquid. Different Kinds Of Vegetables are chopped, diced or cubed and added to the pot. Sometimes pieces of Selected Meat, fish or chicken is chopped and Also added to the Stew. The liquid is thickened and Slightly stewed food is served in That Manner. This method is Also Used When Preparing Fruits That are going to be served as Desserts. Cooking With this method, Every food is cooked together at the same time in one pot. The Flavour, Colours, shapes and textures of the Different Vegetables That Are Used, stewing Makes a handy method of cooking. The only disadvantage is That Some of the Vegetables Might be overcooked and the nutrient content Thusis Becomes much less. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT Therefor the Vegetables That Longest to take the cook to be put into the pot and the First Ones That Need To Be Cooking least put in last. In this way much of the nutrient contents of the food does not get lost. Frying When food is fried Using oil or solid fat IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU Some observe rules in handling oil or fat. Simple rules to follow When Frying: 1. Make Sure there is enough oil or fat in the PUT or the Frying Pan Deep Frying Pan . 2. The food to be cooked must not have Dripping water from it. This is becaus When water comes into contact with hot oil or fat, You Will Have the oil sizzling and spitting out of the bread, whichis could burn your skin if you are Careful not. 3. Put the food into the hot oil carefully. Try not to make a big splash as the oil could burn your skin. 4. The oil of fat Should be heated to the temperature right befor putting food into the pan to be fried. If the food is put in When The oil or fat is not heated to the right temperature, the food Will Soak Up The Oil And You Will Have That food is all Oily or greasy. If the fat or oil is over heated, you WILL end up with Food That Is Burnt. Sometimes the food dough nuts Especially Will turn brown on the inside But the inside is uncooked dough. To cook food Frying Using the method, there are two Ways of doing it. There is the Shallow and the Deep Frying Frying Methods. Shallow Frying In Shallow Frying, food is cooked in a Frying pan with a little Amount of oil or fat. The oil or fat is heated to the correct Amount and the food is put into the heated oil. The food is Turned Over A Few minutes or is stirred around a couple of times befor it is cooked and Dished October If Patti, Coated or potato chips are fried foods, it is best to put a piece of brown paper napkin or paper inside the tray to Soak Up Any oil from the food befor serving it. Deep Frying When this is a lot of oil or fat is Used in cooking the food. The oil or fat is usually put into a deep pan and is heated to boiling point. Then food is put into the boiling hot oil and is cooked in That Way. Such food as fish fingers, potato chips, Meat balls, dough and nuts to name a Few, are cooked Using the Deep Frying Method. Barbequing [pic] [pic] The method of cooking food by barbequing is usually Associated with Fund Raising activities, parties or picnics. It is to suitabl Most cooking Meat cutlets, fish or chicken pieces. The food is usually marinated with Spices and tenderizers (for Meat Cuts) for sometime befor it is cooked. With this method of cooking, the sheet of metal is heated with stands up and oil is used to cook the food. The Amount of sufficient oil is heated up and food is added. Then the food is Turned Over a couple of times befor it is Dished October Basting This method of cooking is usually Associated with roasting. The Juice or Liquid That Comes Out of the Meat is cooked Being spooned over the roast while it is Frequently Being roasted. The outer part of the Meat is moistened Frequently during the cooking with the juice Process That Is Being spooned over. Usually, the extra juice from the cooked Meat is added to the mixture to make the Meat Sauce.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Victors beard Essay Example for Free

Victors beard Essay One point to make about the birth process before it has even begun is the location. The room that the creation takes place in is a hidden laboratory inside the university that Victor is working at, and the room for the birth process is hidden behind a curtain so its hidden from people if they were to come into the laboratory. The wall is stone and the insides have beams on the roof, which remind you of a cold room. The use of stone is used because stone is generally cold and old beams, which remind you of old, haunted houses. Also the room is dark and scary which may create suspense for the audience who dont know what may be round any of these dark corners. This is a place you wouldnt want to be in, this may also create sympathy for the creature as he is not looked after and has been shoved away in an old room. In the Whale version the birth scene is set in an old disused mill in the country. Inside the mill the walls are again stone which gives the cold feeling. It is dark and dingy and relies on torches for light, which adds to the gothic medieval feel of the film. In Mary Shellys adaptation the birth scene begins just after Victors wife to be Elizabeth falls out with him because she asks him to come back with her and to stop stressing himself out with his work. We then see him pull back a curtain and we see in the mis-en-scene the huge laboratory that has been set up by Victor. He then walks into the laboratory and we see a low angle tracking shot of him running though the laboratory, the use of the low angle shot gives us the impression that Victor is a big powerful man. As he is running through the laboratory we see him wearing a cloak, which suggests to the audience the idea that he has power like a scientist or magician, sorcerer. As he gets to the creature, his cloak is casually thrown onto the clothes hook, and we can see by this point Victor no longer cares. Now we can see that he has been working so hard on the birth of the creature that his shirt is now ragged, dirty and the top buttons on his shirt are un-done and his shirt is hanging off his skin more now. This may mean now that if the creature doesnt live he doesnt necessarily care about the creature surviving, or it could mean he has been working so hard he hasnt had time to change and this shows his determination to his work. Also Victor wears his shirt with the sleeves rolled up; this is another way of saying he is again determined to his work. Also Victors beard is unshaven which is a certain way to tell that he has been persisting in this experiment for quite a while without sleep. We then see Victor pulling down several handles and we then see a tracking shot of the creatures body which is being transported around by pulleys on the roof, and we see the creature is being banged around up on the pulleys. Still, at this time, we havent seen the creature; this creates suspense and is a clever idea by Branagh, as this keeps the audience wanting to know, as they dont even know if they are going to see the creature because if the creature doesnt live they might not see it.

Communication In Health And Social Care Management

Communication In Health And Social Care Management According to Schneider et. all 2001 and Rogers Maslow , humanistic theory every human being has exceptional and inborn identities and natural potentials. These are the goals that direct them to achieve their full potentials. Maslow defines that individuals have specific requirements and needs which must be met in a hierarchical style and it happens from bottom to top. Another author Rogers has noted that every individual has a particular frame of reference according to their self concept or self regard. These are ones own perception or faith about themselves. It is a theory that highlights on individuals capacity for self track, understanding, basic needs, achievement needs, self-actualization, safety needs etc. According to Maslow, individual should achieve Hierarchy needs in order which are shown below: Lattal and Chase (2003) has noted that behaviorist theory means the way of conditioning through interaction with the environment with no consideration to the mental state. According to them it is a theory related to psychology and it is based on the proposition that behavior can be researched with evidence with no recourse. Behaviorism is mainly relevant to skill development and the substrate of learning. Usually phobias and neurosis treatment can improve individuals behavior significantly. According to Fritscher 2003, it is a theory that attempts to explain human behaviour by understanding the thought processes. In 21st century Greene brothers (2008) have noted that this theory explains social environment in learning. They showed that environment and self have a reciprocal relation. In addition, this theory fix which environmental factors should be observed, when should be observed, what should be conferred on them or whether they have any long lasting effects or is there any emotional or motivating power etc. Another important thing is, usually human beings make the decisions by thought processes. A diagram of cognitive is given below: In 1998, a famous author Nasio states that psycholanalytical theory defines that human mind is compared to an iceberg: we only see a little bit of it (the conscious) peeking out above the vast depths of the unconscious. According to this theory, there are many inner forces outside of peoples awareness those direct their behavior. For example, (assume) Dominika has built up a relationship with a boy recently. Suddenly she started calling him by her ex-boy friends name. the reason of this may be Dominika misspoke her ex-boy friend because of misgiving about new relationship. another author Friedlander (2003) has noted that it is a theory which defines the dynamics of personality, psychoanalytic, psychodynamic and psychotherapy development. This theory helps to treat people with psychological problem in different ages especially who live in multi-cultural societies. Review the application of a range of communication techniques for different purposes used in health and social care work. At this age, proper communication techniques in health and social care are becoming more and more important as service users from different cultures are being added continuously (Moss, 2007). Also effective communication is essential to have good productivity. Windsor and Moonie (2000) define that, communication techniques can be verbal, nonverbal, written, facial/ body language or listening. Verbal: it is way of communication where people communicate face to face. Sounds, words, speaking, and language are the key elements of verbal communication. For social care work verbal communication style is very important as it influences the service users. Social workers should speak slowly, clearly and politely. They should have softness in speaking. Non-verbal: non-verbal communication can be used in Health and social care workplace as well. It is a communication process through sending and receiving wordless messages. Gestures, facial expression, body language, using meaningful symbols, sign languages, touching, vocal nuance etc. are also included in non-verbal communication. It is important because it repeats verbal messages, regulate interactions, become complement to verbal messages etc. Written: written communication is also important like non-verbal and verbal communication. Preservation of our memories can be influenced significantly by written communication. Many researchers think written communication is the most effective and most useful way to communicate in Health and social care workplaces with verbal language as it prevents misunderstanding, helps to remember all important details or, helps to keep important data, helps to educate others, helps to deal with negative feelings, and helps to share knowledge with others and many more. Listening: It is also important. If the social workers do not listen to the service users properly, misunderstandings can happen. Social workers should listen with full concentration of the service users as it is included in codes of practice. Discuss the ways in which communication influences how individuals feel about themselves. Moss (2007) has stated that different types of communication can influence individuals feelings differently. Impersonal and interpersonal communications are two of them. Impersonal communication means the way to treat people as objects or respond to their roles rather than to who they are as unique people which is normally impersonal and superficial. Usually people communicate by impersonal way. It can make a rational choice to protect people willingly but it doesnt get them too close. People do not feel very good by this communication method. Conversely, according to Greene and Burleson (2003), interpersonal communication is a special form of unmediated human communication that occurs when we interact simultaneously with another person and attempt to mutually influence each other, usually for the purpose of managing relationships. It usually occurs simultaneously while people are talking and listening. For example, it can be observed by their- eye contact, clothing, body posture, and facial expressions. People usually feel happy with this communication method and it is very useful to apply in health and social care workplaces. Describe ways of dealing with inappropriate interpersonal communication between individuals. According to Stacks and Salwen (2008), inappropriate interpersonal communications between individuals begin usually from incorrect use of vocabulary or use of passive vocabulary. It also arises from cultural insensitivity or misinterpretation of body language which can lead to communication gap. There are a few ways to deal with inappropriate interpersonal communication and those can be: Rephrasing or using the simplier words while speaking or communicating. Repeating the words with meaningful gestures. Analyzing the communication gap that has been occurred, spotting and fixing the cultural faux pas and remedying that without delay. Staying Focused and listen carefully. Trying to see their point of view Responding to Criticism with Empathy Using I Messages: Rather than We. Look for Compromise Instead of trying to win the argument, look for solutions that meet everybodys needs. Analyse the use of techniques and strategies for supporting communication between people with specific communication needs. In the UK there are many people like deaf, blind who need specific communication needs and these can be lip-reading, speech to text, electronic notes, sign languages, Braille etc. Anon (n.d.) states that around 242,000 people are deaf-blind and two million people are suffering from hearing loss in the United Kingdom. Research has shown that almost 1.4 million people are using hearing aids regularly. Around 50,000 people use sign language as their preferred language. Many British are using interpreters as well but the ratio of interpreters and service users are significantly low in the UK. Pomegranate mobile phone and these technologies can be used to support these persons. Evaluate workplace strategies, policies and procedures for good practice in communication. According to Best et all (2003), in health and social care workplaces, there must have good practice for workplace strategies, policies and procedures for communication. Good procedures in communication means to follow the privacy policies, not to spread personal information to unauthorized persons, Keeping confidentiality, consent, disciplinary procedures, protecting hharassment, maintaining equal opportunities, having paternity and maternity leave, playing by rules, following data protection acts, not to reveal any data without taking permission etc. Good communication policies and strategies include adoption policy, complaints policy, whistle blowing policy, grievance policy etc. These policies, procedures and strategies help to build up a smooth and friendly workplace. Question 2 Describe physical, cultural and legal influences on communication in health and social care by: 2.1 Analyse how methods of communication are influenced by individual values, culture and ability. Littlejohn Foss (2005) and Samovar et al (2009) have stated that individual values, culture and ability can influence the communication methods significantly in health and social care. Value means the principles, standards, or quality which guides human actions. It also defines the acceptable standards which govern the behaviour of individuals within the organization. Without having such values, individuals will pursue behaviours that are in line with their own individual value systems, which may lead to behaviours that the organization doesnt wish to encourage. Another thing is organizational values which are the beliefs and ideas about what kinds of goals members of an organization should pursue and ideas about the appropriate kinds or standards of behaviour organizational members should use to achieve these goals. It influence communication as it develops organizational norms, makes sense about things are good or bad, which things are more or less important. It also promotes anti discriminatory practice and diversity, protects people from abuse, keeps confidentiality, gives peoples rights to dignity, autonomy, independence and safety, understanding other peoples beliefs and identities. According to them, culture can influence communication method as well. Culture means the values, traditions, worldview, and social and political relationships that are created, shared, and transformed by a group of people bound together by a common history, geographic location, language, social class, and/or religion. It is a dynamic, constantly changing process that is shaped by political, social and economic conditions. It manipulates communication by guiding people in their thinking, feelings, and acting etc. Describe legislation and charters governing the rights of individuals to communicate. There are specific law, legislations and charters governing the rights to communicate and these can be NHS and community care act 1990, sex discrimination act, Disability discrimination act (DDA) etc. Research from Mandelstam (2008) has shown that NHS and community care act 1990 ensures the full independence of the individuals among these legislations and charters,. According to this act, every service user should be shown respect. No one can be discriminated at any way whatever their race, sex, origin, religion, age etc. In addition, everyone including patients with mental health, learning disability, children should be treated as an individual while communicating. everyone should have their communications needs valued and respected, whether they are verbal or non-verbal. The charter sets out the rights for disable people in terms of their disability which includes information, Support and training, Time to communicate, Access to services, Inclusion in social networks, Services from Employers etc. In addition, according to him and Disability act 2006, every person with a communication disability has a right to receive information in a way that they can receive and respond. A wide range of recognized and meaningful symbols, materials, signs, alternative communication methods should be available everywhere for disabled people. employers must provide training for customer-facing staff to offer alternative communication at help desks and service points, e.g. a map, pencil and paper, pictures. Also we know that Every person with a communication disability has a responsibility to identify how they can communicate to exchange information. To do this, they can carry carry a card explaining what the difficulty is, in plain English or explaining what they need to help them at the outset. They should be given enough time to understand as well. In the same time, they should be given positive support from their family, friends and care workers. Discuss the implications in health and social care contexts of legislation and codes of practice relating to records and communication of information about people. According to Dziegielewski (2003) and Trainor (n.d.), keeping record of information in health and social care is very important and sensitive. There are specific law, legislations and codes of practice relating to records keeping and communication of information about people. They can follow European, national or UN law, charters and codes of practice while keeping records. But service providers should keep information by following data protection act 1998. According to this act Personal information must be stored on the case files or in the recording books and it should only be available to those who are directly involved with the care of the Person and to those responsible for the maintenance of good practice and standards. Both Manual and computer records should be stored against unauthorised access. Also, it is not allowed to copy of any documents (including medical records, personal records, political views etc.) for any purpose other than for the purpose of the well-being of th e service users. For example, a social worker may need to send a clients details to a doctor. So, he/she may need to do some copy of his/her clients documents. So, it is allowed by the contexts of legislation. Analyse the effectiveness of organisational systems policies in relation to good practice in communication. Usually organizational systems, policies and procedures are very effective for the good practice in communication. Keyton (2005) noted that every organization has different communication policies in relation to good practice. It builds confidentiality and good relationship among the stakeholders, employees and service users. In addition, communications Policy ensures to use the organizational communications facilities, including internet, email, fax, phone, sms etc. It also guides to use fast and reliable way of communication which has significant advantages for health and social care workplaces. In the same time, it warns to its employees about the dangers and misuse of communication. It also inform to its employees that none can be discriminated during communicating. For example, some people may have difficulty to understand some communication methods. So, good organizational policies will provide a framework or a way to overcome these problems. Values, personal moral qualities, re specting service users dignity and autonomy are also included to good practice in communication and these are usually mentioned in organizational policies. Suggest and justify ways of improving communication systems in a health or care setting. Effective and constructive communication is vital as it helps to support, achievement and well being of our society. The ways to improve communicating systems in health and social care are given below: Having enough employees to accomplish their jobs smoothly. If there is shortage of employee, people may not do their jobs in time. In addition, additional work load may put stress on the staff. As a result, they may not communicate with service users and staff properly. Effective and constructive communication method must be built up among the GP practices, dentists, pharmacists, NHS, emergency services, care trusts. Using both electronic (e-mail, text message, fax, phone etc.) and paper messages (letters, newsletters, leaflets etc) for day to day communication. In addition, having common software to share information or a database system among the partnership organizations can also help to improve communication system. Health and social care officials as well as normal staff should arrange regular meeting among themselves to share their views regarding their progress, future plan etc. Proper implementation of data protection act can also help to improve communication. Demonstrate ability to communicate appropriately using range of techniques. According to Marincek (2001) and Jones Cregan (1986), there are many people in the United Kingdom who need to communicate by special communicating techniques. Especially, children, elderly people, hearing disabled people use these techniques which are given below: Text messaging, using sign language, lip reading, converting speech to text can be used to communicate with deaf people. Probably sign language is the most effective way to communicate with deaf people as it has its own right. It also covers the whole system of communication. On the other hand, text messaging is the easiest way to communicate as almost everyone can read it. But people may not be able to express their emotions by this way. Blind people prefer to use voice recorder, speaking or listening to communicate. Technology can give lots of benefit to blind people. For example, if there is a blind employee in an organization and she/he has to gather data from internet then she/he can be benefited by using voice or audio system. Further, if anyone wants to leave some information to someone who is blind then he can convert his message to voice so that blind receiver can receive it. Basically, I have to be very careful while communicating with communication disabled people. For example, my body position, speaking style, listening style have to be well-developed and I have to be patient so that they can understand me without any difficulty. (Word Count : 1200 Words) Explore the use of information technology in communications in health and social care by: Demonstrate ability to access and use standard IT software, used routinely, to support work in health and social care. Harlow and Webb (2003) stated that every health and social care worker should have good knowledge regarding IT software to support their daily activity. To support my work, I use Microsoft office, Microsoft power point, Microsoft excel, Microsoft access, Microsoft word, spreadsheet, Microsoft outlook, internet, notepad etc. According to Shaffer et al (2007), Microsoft office is very useful to manage day to day activities. I can preserve almost all the documents, work history by using Microsoft office word. Notepad is also useful to take and save the short notes. I use Microsoft office access to create normal database solution, tables, forms, reports, queries, graphs etc. I have to use spreadsheet to support my work as well. It is software by which I can access multiple cells. I can find out any individuals details within a click. For example, I can access to service users details if they just provide me their surnames or dates of birth. Microsoft outlook and internet are one of the most useful software that I use. I use outlook to send and receive any electronic mail. I can save my mails as well if there is no internet connection. I can send those when I get internet connection. I use internet to collect data. Analyse how the use of IT in health and social care benefits service users. Leathard (2003) and Cnaan Parsloe (1989) have shown that information technology benefits both the service users and service providers in various ways in health and social care. Disable people, mental health patients, blind people, deaf people, speechless people and even sometimes healthy people are being benefitted by use of information technology. The ways are described below: Disabled people: According to Hawkridge et al (1985) and Anogianakis Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (1997), information technology has added new scope to disabled peoples life. Now, those who are deaf can use hearing aid to overcome their listening barriers. Blind people are being benefitted by using audio system. Now, they can conduct their day to day activities by this method. Even, now language converter is being used for those people who are not efficient in a common language like English. So, service users can describe their problem elaborately without facing any hassle. Developed service: Now-a-days, all the health care specialists who are authorised can access to patient details. So, they can exchange their views and knowledge regarding their service and patients treatment. As a result, better and improved services are provided to the clients. In addition, patient can get various services from one person. Treatment and medicine: Slee et al (2001) have stated that, now patients can gather data regarding their disease and can get information about the potential medicine. So, patient can discuss with his doctor if there is any mistake in the prescribed medicine. As a result, patient can get escape from a great problem. In addition, e-medicine can boost the knowledge of doctors. All the health care specialists including social workers and service users can gather lots of information by using website as well as internet conferences. Critically evaluate how the IT supports and enhances the activities of care workers and care organisations/agencies. According to Cnaan Parsloe (1989), the activities of a care worker or a care agencys activities can be significantly enhanced by information technology. For example, a care worker can preserve any medical data digitally which is quick and cost effective. Next time, another care worker does not need to waste his or her time to look for clients medical report or medication history. She/he can get it easily and quickly if she/he is efficient in IT. It also reduces work load and care workers or care organizations can concentrate on other tasks quickly. Another important thing is, doctors can be benefited from IT significantly. For example, the GPs can use a software where all medical and drug information will be pre-saved. So, all information regarding to that drug will be shown automatically while prescribing that to a patient. It can save lots of time because doctors or care workers then will not need to look for the information regarding any medicine. To implement this, a very good network and communication between pharmacists and doctors is essential. Analyse health and safety legal considerations in the use of IT. The health and safety legal considerations should come to light in the use of information technology because inappropriate use of IT can damage employees health. Even it has a long term effect on physical condition. According to Koreneff (2005), employees health and safety matters must be considered in the workplace. Those who usually work in front of computer screen or anything like that may suffer from eye strain, headache, back pain, fatigue etc. Employees should take regular break or change the activity for 10 minutes after doing one hour works to prevent this. They should keep their body in a right posture to prevent back pain. Right posture includes keeping back side supported, head up, hands relaxed, knees are leveled with hip, feet are flat with floor, screen is directly in front and not in angle etc. Hands and wrists are usually most comfortable when forearm is nearly at a right angle to upper arm and wrist is in a straight line with hand and forearm. Complain should be made against an organization if that fails to provide these types of workplace. Employers must provide a workplace for the employees which will meet all the requirements of health and safety to use IT.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Basic Concept of Organizational Behavior Essay -- Fundamentals of Organ

Perhaps the single most important technique for motivating the people you supervise is to treat them the same way you wish to be treated: as responsible professionals. It sounds simple; just strike the right balance of respect, dignity, fairness, incentive, and guidance, and you will create a motivated, productive, satisfying, and secure work environment. Unfortunately, as soon as the complexities of our evolving workforce mix with human relationships, even the best-intentioned supervisors can find the management side of their jobs deteriorating into chaos. Theories As corporations strive to boost earnings in an increasingly competitive environment, they inevitably turn their attention to the issue of employee productivity and motivation. When employees are unsatisfied with their current work situation, productivity decreases, tension builds in the workplace, and morale becomes very low. Companies have known historically that morale affects productivity, yet management has struggled to come to terms with the factors that can create positive morale and an environment that attracts and retains workers and encourages them to produce. For this reason, many companies look for training and practices that aim to achieve a higher level of employee motivation. Maslow ¡Ã‚ ¦s & Herzberg ¡Ã‚ ¦s For many years various motivation theories have made assumptions and offered explanations regarding human nature. However, no single motivation theory has proven to be the end all - be all - of motivation. In order to understand the various underlying themes related to motivation the following three theories have been identified - content, process and reinforcement. Content theories are primarily concerned with what arouses behavior or particular attributes that motivate individuals. The most prominent content theory of motivation is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg ¡Ã‚ ¦s Motivational-Hygiene Theory. Maslow offered that human beings have their needs arranged in a hierarchy such that they are motivated to seek satisfaction of the lower levels of need first. Once that level of need is satisfied it is no longer a motivator, and the person is motivated by the next level up the hierarchy. From a managerial perspective money, status, achievement, working conditions, friendly supervisors and co-workers can satisfy these individual needs. Herzberg used this theory as... ...t's your department; the buck stops with you. Your team respects your integrity and trusts you to lead. You become a champion, not an oppressor. Share the Spotlight: The flip side of accepting responsibility for everything that goes wrong is giving subordinates just credit for everything that goes right. Never take credit for a subordinate's work, and mention names at every possible opportunity. Don't be afraid that this approach endangers your own career. You were made a supervisor because others in authority recognized your capabilities. The test of your value as a supervisor is your ability to create a productive, efficient team. Show management that working for you is the best thing that ever happened to your staff by drawing attention to each subordinate's excellent performance. If your team is performing at a high level, you won't need to blow your own horn - your value will be obvious. Conclusion The face of business is evolving at a mind blowing pace. As the economy fluctuates and organizations seek ways to beat the competition and be profitable, nothing remains more important to this goal than keeping the employees and management motivated in the modern workforce. Basic Concept of Organizational Behavior Essay -- Fundamentals of Organ Perhaps the single most important technique for motivating the people you supervise is to treat them the same way you wish to be treated: as responsible professionals. It sounds simple; just strike the right balance of respect, dignity, fairness, incentive, and guidance, and you will create a motivated, productive, satisfying, and secure work environment. Unfortunately, as soon as the complexities of our evolving workforce mix with human relationships, even the best-intentioned supervisors can find the management side of their jobs deteriorating into chaos. Theories As corporations strive to boost earnings in an increasingly competitive environment, they inevitably turn their attention to the issue of employee productivity and motivation. When employees are unsatisfied with their current work situation, productivity decreases, tension builds in the workplace, and morale becomes very low. Companies have known historically that morale affects productivity, yet management has struggled to come to terms with the factors that can create positive morale and an environment that attracts and retains workers and encourages them to produce. For this reason, many companies look for training and practices that aim to achieve a higher level of employee motivation. Maslow ¡Ã‚ ¦s & Herzberg ¡Ã‚ ¦s For many years various motivation theories have made assumptions and offered explanations regarding human nature. However, no single motivation theory has proven to be the end all - be all - of motivation. In order to understand the various underlying themes related to motivation the following three theories have been identified - content, process and reinforcement. Content theories are primarily concerned with what arouses behavior or particular attributes that motivate individuals. The most prominent content theory of motivation is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg ¡Ã‚ ¦s Motivational-Hygiene Theory. Maslow offered that human beings have their needs arranged in a hierarchy such that they are motivated to seek satisfaction of the lower levels of need first. Once that level of need is satisfied it is no longer a motivator, and the person is motivated by the next level up the hierarchy. From a managerial perspective money, status, achievement, working conditions, friendly supervisors and co-workers can satisfy these individual needs. Herzberg used this theory as... ...t's your department; the buck stops with you. Your team respects your integrity and trusts you to lead. You become a champion, not an oppressor. Share the Spotlight: The flip side of accepting responsibility for everything that goes wrong is giving subordinates just credit for everything that goes right. Never take credit for a subordinate's work, and mention names at every possible opportunity. Don't be afraid that this approach endangers your own career. You were made a supervisor because others in authority recognized your capabilities. The test of your value as a supervisor is your ability to create a productive, efficient team. Show management that working for you is the best thing that ever happened to your staff by drawing attention to each subordinate's excellent performance. If your team is performing at a high level, you won't need to blow your own horn - your value will be obvious. Conclusion The face of business is evolving at a mind blowing pace. As the economy fluctuates and organizations seek ways to beat the competition and be profitable, nothing remains more important to this goal than keeping the employees and management motivated in the modern workforce.

Monday, August 19, 2019

It Outsourcing Essay -- Globalization Essays, Papers

It Outsourcing INTRODUCTION Companies are increasingly outsourcing the management of information technology (IT) for reasons that include concern for cost and quality, lagging IT performance, supplier pressure, access to special technical and application skills, and other financial factors. The outsourcing solution is acceptable to large and small firms alike because strategic alliances are now more common and the IT environment is changing rapidly. REASON TO OUTSOURCE Although the mix of factors raising the possibility of outsourcing varies widely from one company to another, there are a series of themes that explain most of the pressures to outsource. First of all, general managers’ concerns about cost and quality drive outsourcing. The same issues such as getting existing services for a reduced price at acceptable quality standard came up repeatedly. Second, failure to meet service standards can force management to find other ways of achieving reliability. It is not atypical to find a company in which cumulative IT management neglect eventually culminated in an out-of-control situation the current IT department could not recover from. Management can see outsourcing as a way to fix a broken department. Third, a firm under intense cost or competitive pressures, which does not see IT as its core competence, may find outsourcing a way to delegate time-consuming, messy problems so it can focus scarce management time and energy on other differentiators. Next, several financial issues can make outsourcing appealing. One is the opportunity to liquidate the firm’s intangible IT asset, thus strengthening the balance sheet and avoiding a stream of sporadic capital investments in the future. Also, outsourcing can turn a largely fixed-cost business into one with variable costs. This is particularly important for firms whose activities vary widely in volume from one year to another or which face significant downsizing. THE BENEFITS FROM OUTSOURCING Outsourcing has identified numerous potential benefits. Financial benefits from outsourcing included rapid funding of new systems development and economies of scale and scope. As consolidate infrastructure through IT outsourcing, a firm can experience cost reductions in hardware and software licensing, facilities, and support headcount. Outsourcing, also, can capitalize on an outside ve... ...s not had experience in partnering activities before, the relationship can develop profound tensions. The evolution of technologies often changes the strategic relevance of IT service to a firm. From the customer’s viewpoint, assigning a commodity service to an outsider is very attractive if the price is right. Delegating a firm’s service differentiator is another matter. The customer that made the original decision on efficiency will judge it differently if using effectiveness criteria later. CONCLUSION IT outsourcing has so many positive effects for a company even though it still contains various problem needed to be solved. In the Internet age, any company may want to focus its internal staff on moving it to the environment that will support them tomorrow and outsourcing could be one of the best solutions. Also, outsourcing is really more of an integration of two separate businesses to be successful. Both want to take the best parts of each culture and put them together. In addition, critical success factors including existence of a multi-years, corporate commitment to the IM strategy and outsourcing, and quality culture and attitude should be considered in outsourcing.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sadistic Zealots :: essays research papers

Opinion Sadistic Zealots   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The acts of terrorists on September 11, 2001, demolished two important American buildings and executed thousands of innocent victims. This united Americans, both to mourn the loss of lives and to fight back against international terrorism. However unforgivable, this attack was not a senseless act of violence by sadistic zealots. Apparently, the terrorists were not aware of the long-term consequences of their actions. The brainwashed crusaders may not have even known the motivation for the attack but were blindly following a twisted act of eccentric Muslims. In either case, serious short and long-term reactions will ensue until ultimately, a peaceful resolution will result or the world will be at war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The causes of this atrocious terrorism are numerous and date back to biblical history when freedom fighters were misguided by radical factions, such as the zealots who fought Roman domination while Christ sought peace. In the present, one of the chief causes is America’s gift of approximately three billion dollars to Israel each year. This money and support is then used to help the Israeli Army fight an endless territorial war against Palestine. The result is anti-US. demonstrations in Palestine and other Arab countries. The arsenals used by Israelis to attack Palestine were obtained through American aid. US technology has provided for easy international travel and contemporary buildings and cities produce easy targets to kill innocent victims with one mighty blow. Therefore, when people ask today what Americans did to deserve this, the answer would be simple. America entwined itself into a war over hallowed ground. Hoping to be a mediator, it did not realize that it is in no place to proctor such a violent bonanza.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Basinger Hickey 2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The reactions of Americans to the terrorism were what everyone expected. An initial fear of certain doom was followed by remorse and grief for the loss of lives. Next came the nationwide sacred oath of revenge, one that was shared by the President of the United States. He vowed vengeance on the perpetrators of the attack. Among the individual Americans, no consensus is available on what they feel needs to be done. Extremists feel that the only way to rectify this situation is to sacrifice all Arab countries. Others hope that there is no need for any more violence, as it can only escalate into even more trouble for targeted countries. For instance, perhaps the solution will be found by bringing Osama bin Ladin and his cult of kamikaze bandits to justice other then executing millions of innocent Arabs with a bomb.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Vital Nature Of Human Being Engineering Essay

Bing in comfort zone is a critical nature of human being. Something less attempt able ever attracts human head. This invention belongs in a zone far more advanced than a fan operated by a manual regulator. This device controls the velocity of the initiation motor used in a fan automatically by feeling the current. Like normal family fan regulators it does non necessitate any attending for commanding the velocity of the fan and therefore it reduces human attempt which is really much clear to us. It uses a TRIAC ( Triode for AC ) based circuitry which minimizes energy ingestion and therefore saves power Vongmanee ( 2004 ) . It gives a broad control of working temperature scope to the user while besides supplying manual control in instance of demand. These characteristics are every bit interesting every bit good as really utile for the mediocre category because of a low purchasing and care cost. This whole invention will be discussed in wining points. Power electronic convertors can be found wherever there is a demand to modify the electrical energy signifier ( i.e. modify its electromotive force, current or frequence ) . Therefore, their power scope from some milli watts ( as in a nomadic phone ) to 100s of megawatts ( e.g in a HVDC transmittal system ) . With â€Å" classical † electronics, electrical currents and electromotive force are used to transport information, whereas with power electronics, they carry power. Therefore the chief metric of power electronics becomes the efficiency Rabisankar ( 2012 ) . Most power electronics systems consist of two major faculties which are power electronics processor that handles power transportation from input to end product and accountant that tells the power processor of what to make by taking the measuring that happens at end product and compared to input.Problem StatementNowadays, many industries utilizing electrical machine in their mill. Electrical machine are used to do the work can be done in clip and to cut down work force in the industry. There is several type of electrical machine we are utilizing today. We have DC motor such as DC series motor and DC shunt motor. We besides have synchronal motor that runs at changeless velocity and we are besides holding initiation motor. A rectifier is an electronic circuit that converts bidirectional electromotive force ( AC electromotive force ) to unidirectional electromotive force ( DC electromotive force ) by utilizing power rectifying tubes or by commanding the firing angle of thyristor/controllable switches. Rectifier normally can be divided into two types that are uncontrolled and phase-controlled. Each type can hold either individual stage or three-phase. A rectifying tube is the simplest electronics switch which it is uncontrolled that the on and off provinces can be determined by the power supply in the circuit itself. AC to DC convertor is largely used in industries and besides in domestic equipment. But many rectifiers in the market merely produce fixed end product so the applications of the rectifiers are limited for certain equipment merely. So, the DC degree of the end product and the power transferred to the burden are fixed when the beginning and burden parametric quantities are established. Holmes ( 1993 ) , Zein ( 1999 ) and Kischan ( 2010 ) . Therefore, to get the better of this job there is a manner to command the end product electromotive force of the rectifier. Basically, the individual stage rectifier is designed utilizing the thyristors or more specifically are called Silicon Control Rectifier ( SCR ) which connected in full-wave rectifier. A thyristor is four beds ( pnpn ) semiconducting material devices that act as switches, rectifiers or electromotive force regulators. Thyristors are electronic switches used in power electronics circuits where control of switch turn-on is required power Vongmanee ( 2004 ) . Therefore, the end product electromotive force can be variable from the scope of nothing electromotive force to full electromotive force by commanding the hold angle of the SCR.Aim and Aims1.3.1 AimThe purpose of the undertaking is to command the velocity of individual stage initiation motor utilizing microcontroller.1.3.2 AimsTo plan the AC electromotive force convertor to changing motor electromotive force To implement the velocity detector for feeling the velocity To compose the plan for commanding the operation of electromotive force convertorScope of the surveyThis undertaking concentrates on a development of a circuit and hardware to acquire dc end product utilizing SCR and PIC16F84A as chief constituent of the undertaking. Besides the Scopess is to plan a microcontroller to command hold angle I ± and it produced variable end products ( velocity ) . To develop the whole undertaking, it consists of three methods which are the construct of shift, the electrical construction, and the package scheduling. After planing and edifice wholly the rectifier circuit, the driver circuit should be able to command the hold angle I ± , that can be adjusted by utilizing microcontroller. It will affect the scheduling development to command the ON province of the power switch and adjust the stage angle. Here, the trigger angle of SCRs will be programmed in certain clip sequence to guarantee the input electromotive force goes from low to full electromotive force.Report StructureThere are all six chapters being constructions in this thesis and every chapter will lucubrate in item about this undertaking. For the first chapter, an overview about this undertaking, Speed Control of Single Phase Induction Motor is discussed including the aims and Scopess of the undertaking as a usher to develop the individual stage controlled rectifier. Chapter 2 will explicate and discourse on the literature reappraisal of the Speed Control of Single Phase Induction Motor. It besides focuses on general debut of the AC to DC convertor with the complete information about this convertor. It gives a brief reappraisal about the types of the rectifiers: uncontrolled and controlled individual stage and three stage convertors used as rectifiers. In this chapter besides discuss about the type of thyristor andthe feature of each type. Chapter 3 discusses the methodological analysiss of the Speed Control of Single Phase Induction Motor that has been applied in finishing this undertaking. In this chapter, it consists of block diagram and flux chart which are explained about the procedure of execution and how the AC electromotive force converts to DC electromotive force so connected to the burden such as DC motor. It is besides discusses briefly how the end product electromotive force can be varied. Chapter 4: we discuss the package and hardware execution of the Speed Control of Single Phase Induction Motor utilizing flow charts and simulation consequences for package execution and PCB layout and hardware working for hardware execution Chapter 5 is discoursing and exposing all the consequences obtained and the restriction of the undertaking. All treatments are concentrated on the consequence and the overall public presentation of the Speed Control of Single Phase Induction Motor. Chapter 6 in overall will discourse on the decision and sum-up of the development of the Speed Control of Single Phase Induction Motor completed undertaking. In this chapter besides discusses on the jobs and recommendation for this undertaking development or alteration.Chapter 2LITERATURE REVIEW & A ; THEORETICAL BACKGROUND2.1 IntroductionThe literature reappraisal and the theoretical background about this undertaking have been made from assorted beginnings like diaries, books, articles and others. From the literature reappraisal, the input that have been collected is utile for better apprehension of this undertaking. It is because for about a century, rectifier circuits have been the most common power electronics circuits used to change over AC to DC. The AC-DC convertor produces a DC end product from an AC input while the mean power transferred from an AC beginning to a DC burden. This convertor normally besides called as a rectifier. The word rectification is used non because thes e circuits produce DC but instead because the current flows in one way. By and large, there are two types of AC-DC convertors which are uncontrolled and controlled.2.2 Literature ReviewHere in the literature reappraisal we understand about this undertaking have been made from assorted beginnings like diaries, books, articles and others. From the literature reappraisal, the input that have been collected is utile for better apprehension of this undertaking2.2.1 Background of Induction motorInitiation motors are little motors holding an end product power less than one Equus caballus power and are by and large operated on individual stage AC supply. These motors perform assortments of service in the place, office, concern concerns, mills and farms and in a figure of other applications where individual stage supply is available. The velocity of initiation motor can be reduced by diminishing stator electromotive force by an sum which is sufficient for the velocity control of some thrusts. While torsion is relative to voltage squared, current is relative to voltage hence, as electromotive force is reduced to cut down velocity, for same current motor develops lower torsion. Consequently, method is suited for application where torsion demand reduces with velocity, which points towards its suitableness for fan and pump thrusts. Variable electromotive force for velocity control is obtained utilizing ac electromotive force accountants. Industrial fans and pumps are normally driven by initiation motors. Thyristors are normally used for commanding the electromotive force to command the velocity of initiation motor. Speed control is obtained by changing conductivity period of thyristors. For low power evaluation machines, anti-paralleled thyristor brace is used.A Speed of the motor can be varied more or less uniformly in the scope of 80 % to 30 % of synchronal velocity of the motor by changing the electromotive force between 100 % to 30 % . The stator electromotive force is controlled in these velocity control systems by agencies of a power electronic accountant. Here two thyristors in anti-parallel are connected between the line and motor in a stage. Normally thyristors in stage control manner are used. It is besides possible to fire the thyristors for merely a part of the rhythm, therefore using conductivity angle use. This is utile in motor control.A A The conductivity of thyristor brace is controlled by altering firing angle of thyristors through microcontroller.2.2.2 Review on Speed Control of Single Phase Induction MotorIn this undertaking the writer speaks about An adjustable velocity thrust moving on the subsidiary twist of single-phase initiation motors is described. Speed fluctuations are obtained by seting the electromagnetic torsi on by commanding the subsidiary twist electromotive force magnitude and stage angle while the motor ‘s chief twist is straight connected to the local public-service corporation mercantile establishment. A variable subsidiary twist electromotive force stage angle is shown to give important torsion control, supplying get downing and driving torsion, every bit good as reversability and some braking torsion. The analysis includes the finding of the relationship between the subsidiary twist electromotive force stage angle and the stage angle difference between the chief and subsidiary twist currents. A control methodological analysis for choosing an subsidiary twist electromotive force magnitude and stage angle is examined. Simulation consequences of the motor ‘s torque-speed features utilizing the controlled subsidiary twist supply are shown and discussed. In decision the thrust was tested utilizing a ergometer to by experimentation verify the consequences of the theory and simulations, and to research the practicality of a simple, low-priced single-phase initiation motor thrust utilizing subsidiary tortuous electromotive force control Collins ( ) Then the writer in this paper reports about a High-performance Speed-Sensorless Control of an Induction Motor Drive Using a Minimalist Single-Phase PWM Converter where he states that Home contraptions and comfort conditioners are yet to profit from the recent developments in power electronics because of cost restraints. In this paper, a speed-sensorless initiation motor thrust system utilizing convertors with decreased device counts ( minimalist, thin convertors ) and actuated from a single-phase system is proposed for such low-priced applications. The analysis, control, dynamic, and steady-state features of the proposed thrust are by experimentation illustrated. In decision the undertaking was able to show the methodological analysis for the analysis and control of a high-performance initiation motor thrust actuated by two controlled rectifier-inverter systems with decreased count of exchanging devices. The general attack for finding the transition signals required for the carrier-based PWM pulsation coevals for this category of minimalist convertors has been set Forth. The input supply electromotive force is a individual stage and the input current is controlled utilizing a natural mention frame accountant to run near to integrity supplanting power factor. Olorunfemi ( 2005 ) This paper the writers Rodrigo and Hilton ( 2006 ) investigates the job of single-phase initiation motor ( SPIM ) sensorless velocity control. A distinct clip PI accountant and a sensorless technique are implemented on a PC-based platform utilizing a standard three-phase inverter thrust and vector control. An indirect rotor flux oriented control technique is developed based on a sensorless technique. A MRAS with a Kalman Filter algorithm is developed for a rotor velocity appraisal. In decision the Simulation and experimental consequences are presented to formalize the effectivity of the method. a MRAS sensorless control method was applied to a single-phase initiation motor. A MRAS algorithm was used to gauge the rotor velocity, from the computation of the motor instantaneous reactive power. In add-on, a Kalman Filter was used to filtrate the works variable provinces for a minimisation of the velocity estimation oscillations. An Indirect Field Orientation Control technique was used in the individual stage initiation motor thrust. This method is an alternate for single-phase initiation motor thrusts and can better efficiency with variable velocity operation. Experimental and simulation consequences show the effectivity of the technique. Here the writer sates that A centroid-based binary weight multiplier ( CBWM ) exchanging technique was proposed, which was suited for full-bridge inverter applications of individual stage initiation motor ( SPIM ) velocity. control by utilizing 8 spot CBWM to modulate square single-phase wave form and merchandise a control signal form. This technique was evaluated, and its public presentation was compared with bing BRM exchanging technique. In decision the public presentation rating and comparing was involved to the entire harmonic deformation ( THD ) , figure of pulsations per rhythm of the inverter end product wave form, both evident and reactive power. The aim of the new shift technique is to minimise the THD. The simulation consequences presented in this paper, the CBRM shift technique yields a important betterment in footings of minimum THD ( 5 % -100/ , ) when comparison with BRM. The CBWM has been considered to use for variable-speed of the individual stage three stage initiation motor thrust applications in footings of changing electromotive force and changing frequence Tipsuwanpom ( 2001 ) . This paper describes a low cost strategy for commanding the velocity of a three stage initiation motor. The motor was connected to a individual stage supply via a two component stage balancer. Speed control is achieved by changing the supply electromotive force utilizing the stage angle control. Theoretical analysis is supported by experimental measurings. Finally as consequences a new and cost effectual strategy for commanding the velocity of a three stage initiation motor fed from a individual stage supply has been presented. The proper strategy requires a individual stage supply and two thyristors as opposed to the three stage supply and six thyristors in the conventional strategy. A two-element stage balancer has been used in the new strategy to accommodate the motor to the supply. The two elements are made pure reactive elements in order to cut down the Cu loss. The value of the two reactive elements can be selected to be variable to guarantee zero negative sequence electromotive force for whole the scope of operation. Alternatively, the strategy may be simplified by choosing an mean fixed value for the two elements to give about minimal imbalance between the stator electromotive forces in achieve better public presentation both in the steady province and transeunt conditions. Experimental consequences confirm the high qu ality of the proposed strategy. Alolah ( 1993 ) In this paper the writer Jannati ( 2011 ) states that This paper discusses a new vector control scheme for single-phase initiation motor runing with two twists. The vector control is based on the Rotor Field Oriented ( R.F.O ) method that was adapted for this type of machine. This new vector control is suited for all of the imbalanced initiation motors. Furthermore the rotor velocity of the imbalanced motor was estimated by utilizing Extended Kalman Filter ( EKF ) . The consequences shows the good public presentation of the proposed method. Single-phase initiation motors are widely used in the place and industrial applications. Although the power of these motors is low the figure of them is high and they use a big portion of produced electrical power. On the other manus the efficiency of these motors is low so we can state that a big sum of electrical power is wasted by these types of motors. In this paper, we proposed to utilize a power electronic thrust to increase the efficiency of the individual stage initiation motors. In add-on, we proposed a new method for the vector control of the motor. In this paper is focused on the velocity control of a individual or two stage initiation motor utilizing a diametral inversion ( DI ) of the stator electromotive forces. The alterations in the velocity mistake mark are responsible for each DI which inverts the stator electromotive force phasor and its angular speed. The chief and the subsidiary twists are ever connected and therefore the velocity mistake mark allows to determinate the revolving field way. The motor is fed by a rectifier associated with a three-phase inverter. The nucleus of the thrust bid it ‘s a 16-bit dsPIC device, which receives the velocity mistake mark and bring forth the appropriate PWM mention electromotive forces marks to the three-phase inverter. In decision In this new attack the diametral inversion was used, avoiding the rotor flux place finding in every blink of an eye. With this bid action the applied electromotive force phasor can be inverted and revolve in the opposite way depending on the velocity mistake mark. As effect, the torque way can alter really rapidly and the thrust will hold a good public presentation. Hence, the motor velocity can be easy adjusted. The consequences revealed that the rotor velocity reaches the mention velocity without relay Manual ( 2008 ) . The writer Deniz and Murat ( 2008 ) presents a variable velocity control method for fan applications. A pulse-width-modulated ( PWM ) AC chopper changes the effectual value of the supply electromotive force applied to a single-phase initiation motor. This variable supply electromotive force gives the ability to command the velocity of the motor. Harmonicss generated by the velocity control unit are by an input harmonizing to EN 61000-3-2 bounds for harmonic current emanations criterions. In decision A 25kHz PWM AC Chopper used in a single-phase initiation motor thrust was designed and realized in this survey for both domestic and industrial fan applications. This circuit can be used to command the motor velocity harmonizing to the temperature mention. Due to high frequence shift, the PWM AC chopper does non bring forth low frequence harmonics which are multiples of the 50Hz constituent. The harmonic deformations appear at higher frequences that are really multiples of the shift frequence and really easy to filtrate. This paper on Single-phase Induction Motor Speed Control Through a PIC Controlled Sinusoidal PWM Inverter to analyze the public presentation of a single-phase PIC ( programmable integrated circuit ) controlled sinusoidal PWM inverter driving a single-phase initiation motor ( with get downing capacitance ) at assorted burden conditions ( 3/4 of burden and full burden ) . The control was implemented in such a manner that it is allowed the alteration in the motor velocity via a PIC. The attraction of this constellation is the riddance of a personal computer to bring forth sinusoidal PWM pulsations. As consequences it was able to accomplish the chief undertaking in this work, is to do a compact openloop sinusoidal PWM inverter to command the velocity of an little single-phase initiation motor. This compact inverter had its hardware reduced to a lower limit through the usage of a programmable incorporate circuit ( PIC ) micro-controller ( PIC16C73A ) . In this sense a personal computer interface was avoided. One of the troubles was the deficiency of information on the most efficient control logic in this instance and its aims. One of the grounds was that the usage of a PIC in such applications is really recent, the other ground is the deficiency of importance in the industry ‘s sentiment of the single-phase accountants when compared with three-phase control systems Cunha ( 2001 ) . In this paper a Single stage initiation motors ( SPIM ) are widely used at low power degrees because of their simple building, robust nature and nominal monetary value. Conventionally, they have one operational stator twist and the velocity of the motor is non controlled. But SPIM drives for higher power degrees have both chief and subsidiary twist staying operational throughout and can be treated as asymmetrical, two-phase machines. High public presentation operation of these asymmetrical machines was associated with the jobs of patterning the dissymmetry and commanding the electromagnetic torsion oscillations. Different research groups have proposed different strategies to undertake the above said troubles. In decision the theory, analysis and simulation consequences for the vector control technique for SPIM based on stator flux orientation are presented as above. From the consequences, it can be concluded that both for flux weakening part ( above base velocity ) and changeless flux zone ( below base velocity ) , the algorithm performs satisfactorily. The little torsion oscillations are low-cost sing the simpleness of the algorithm Nanda ( 2011 ) . This paper presents the photovoltaic ( PV ) H2O pumping system with a maximal power point trailing ( MF'PT ) . The H2O pumping system uses a variable velocity individual stage initiation motor ( SPIM ) driven a centifugal pump by a field oriented control ( FOC ) inverter. The system under survey consists of two subdivisions. First, the MPPT utilizing a DC-DC convertor controlled the responsibility rhythm to track maximal power 60m PV under different sunstroke conditions. The responsibility rhythm straight relate with a flux bring forthing current constituent ( Ids ) . Second, the FOC inverter uses a current control electromotive force beginning inverter ( CC-VSI ) for SPIM driven the centifugal pump. As consequences the field oriented control individual stage initiation motor thrust system supplied by photovoltaic arrays is presented in this paper. The SIMULINK plan is used tool in simulation for determine the respond of thrust system by closely generated status with the degree of light strength alteration. The simulation consequence is demonstrated the respond of thrust in electromotive force ( Vdq ) , current ( Idq ) , motor ‘s velocity and electromagnetic torsion which are changed as measure input bid and measure burden. The decision are shown when the light strength degree alteration, the electromotive force and the velocity of motor are changed as good, ensuing from the system received the power increased. As reference, burden of motor pump is changed. The capacity of pump will precisely depend on the velocity of motor alteration Varni ( 2004 ) . In this paper the writer discusses about The diametral inversion ( DI ) of the stator voltages has been used to command the rotor place of the three phase- initiation motor. In this paper the DI is applied on a individual stage initiation motor thrust to command its velocity. The alteration of the velocity mistake mark causes a DI. Each DI inverts the stator electromotive force phasor and its angular speed. The chief and the subsidiary twists are ever connected and so the mark of the velocity mistake determines the revolving field way. The motor is fed by a rectifier associated with a three-phase inverter faculty. Two mention electromotive forces are PWM modulated utilizing a sigma-delta closed cringle scheme. As decision the consequence of an probe about a new attack to controsl the velocity of a individual stage or two initiation motor thrust was presented and its effectivity was analyzed by several simulation trials. In this new attack the diametral inversion was used. With this bid action the applied electromotive force phasor can be inverted and revolve in the opposite way depending on the signal mistake velocity. As effect, the torque way can alter really rapidly and the thrust will hold a good public presentation. The simulation consequences revealed that the rotor velocity reaches the mention velocity without muffling and with irrelevant wave-off in laden or unloaded conditions. The simulation consequences besides revealed that the velocity control presents high hardiness against external torsion perturbations Manuel and Armando ( 2008 ) . Here in Operating individual stage initiation motors across a broad scope of velocity and burden with high efficiency the writer Klaus ( 2009 ) has stated in the paper at manus the suitableness of several different capacitance run individual stage initiation machines for Phase Control, Integral ( Half ) Cycle Control or Integral Switched Cycle Control is investigated. The initiation machine ‘s theoretical account ‘s electrical and mechanical parametric quantities are estimated and simulations are carried out in order to look into the influence of the parametric quantities on entire input power, torsion and losingss. Measurements are carried out entering rotor velocity and entire input power comparing Phase Control and Integral Switched Cycle Control at about the same operating points. From these informations a simple method is derived that can be used for choosing machines for low cost velocity controlled thrusts. In decision the parametric quantities rotor weaving opposition and escape reactance provide a good standard for choosing individual stage initiation motors for low cost velocity control drives. These parametric quantities can be derived from the individual stage locked rotor trial, which is simple to execute, or can be obtained from the maker of the machine. Another possibility is to utilize the absolute value of the individual stage short circuit electric resistance as a step of the suitableness of a certain machine. The higher the per unit values of these parametric quantities are, the lower the input power and therewith the temperature rise at low velocity. In this paper a Single Phase AC Induction Motors are one of the most widely used motors In the universe, yet comparatively small work has been done In the application of power electronic convertors to these motors to accomplish variable velocity operation. Where variable velocity is required, it Is normally achieved either by mechanical choking, or by exchanging between two or more flexed twist constellations. This paper proposes a method for utilizing a standard three stage electromotive force beginning inverter to accomplish broad scope variable velocity control of a individual stage Induction motor, by linking the chief and subsidiary twists of the motor across the span as an imbalanced three stage burden. The motor Is analyzed as an imbalanced two stage system to find the torsion that can be expected under variable frequence control, and a new transition scheme Is described which achieves the maximal possible convertor for a two stage end product electromotive force ( balanced or unbalanced ) . In decision method for modulating a three stage VSI span to accomplish broad scope variable velocity operation of a balanced or imbalanced two weaving initiation motor. It investigates motor operation under these conditions, and considers restrictions inherent in the technique. From these probes, a precise transition scheme is proposed for supply frequences runing from nothing to motor rated frequence, so that rated torsion can be achieve from the motor at any velocity with the motor operating at a little faux pas. The scheme has been to the full verified both in simulation and by experimentation Holmes & A ; . Kotsopoulos ( 1993 ) . In this paper, a fresh velocity control of a individual stage initiation motor is proposed utilizing a modified inverter. Three MOSFETs are used for commanding the flux linkage of a individual stage transformer, its secondary twist is connected in series with the motor. On-line Bang-Bang velocity control of motor strategy is implemented utilizing a microprocessor to deduce the inverter. A mathematical theoretical account for the single-phase initiation motor is presented, which is used to construct up a simulation plan for a certain coveted velocity. Experimental consequences have been carried out to look into the motor public presentation with the accountant. Good understanding has been obtained between simulation and experimental consequences. In decision fresh method of velocity control of an ac motor ( single-phase running capacitance initiation motor ) by seting the flux linkage between two magnetic spirals utilizing a modified inverter and Bang-Bang control. This scheme influences the effectual tantamount induction of two spirals connected in series with the motor, accordingly control the motor applied electromotive force. Simulation and experimental survey have shown that, by this method of control the velocity of the motor can be changed swimmingly from zero value to the rated velocity with high response Zein ( 1999 ) . In this paper the writer Krischan ( 2010 ) states about a Low cost velocity control of capacitance run individual stage initiation motors across a broad scope of velocity and burden continues to be of involvement. In the paper at manus the line reaction every bit good as the electromagnetic compatibility of three different methods for velocity control – Phase Control, Integral ( Half ) Cycle Control or Integral Switched Cycle Control – is investigated. Measurements are carried out at different rotor velocity and burden torsion, comparing the methods at about the same operating points. FFT is computed for the line currents and measurings on electromagnetic compatibility. As decision they met the bounds given by the European Standard with Phase Control every bit good as with Integral Cycle Control, a brinies filter has to be used. Uniting Built-in Cycle Control with Phase Control leads to higher costs in order to follow with EMC ordinances but provides much higher efficiency.2.3 Theoretical BackgroundIn this subdivision we discuss about the theoretical background of our undertaking where we shall discourse about the chief hypothesis and the inside informations of the peripherals and constituents of the undertaking to construct in the proto type.2.3.1 Personal computer Software:Hardware can be interfaced with the personal computer to command the velocity of motor. It has no as such practical usage it is merely for larning point of position. Hardware can be connected with personal computer through a consecutive port. Consecutive communicating is used to pass on between hardware and package. Ocular basic 6 is used for doing this GUI ( Graphic user Interf ace ) . Baud rate is 2400 bits per second. Degree centigrades: UsersSONYDesktopic-max-232.jpg Figure 2.1 MAX 232 device TheA MAX232A is anA incorporate circuit, foremost created byA Maxim Integrated Products, that converts signals from anA RS-232A series port to signals suited for usage inA TTLA compatible digital logic circuits. The MAX232 is a double driver/receiver and typically converts the RX, TX, CTS and RTS signals.2.3.2 The ThyristorThyristors or Si controlled rectifiers ( SCR ) as they are sometimes known may look to be unusual electronics constituents in many ways, but they are peculiarly utile for commanding power circuits. As such these electronics constituents are frequently used for applications such as light dimmers, and there may be thyristor circuits used in many power supply applications. Thyristors are simple to utilize and cheap to purchase and frequently thyristor circuits are easy to construct and utilize. All these grounds make thyristors ideal constituents to see for many applications. The thyristor may be considered a instead an unusual signifier of electronics constituent because it consists of four beds of otherwise doped Si instead than the three beds of the conventional bipolar transistors. Whereas conventional transistors may hold a p-n-p or n-p-n construction with the electrodes named aggregator, base and emitter, the thyristor has a p-n-p-n construction with the outer beds with their electrodes referred to as the anode ( n-type ) and the cathode ( p-type ) . The control terminus of the SCR is named the gate and it is connected to the p-type bed that adjoins the cathode bed. Structure of a thyristor or Si controlled rectifier ( SCR ) Figure 2.2 Structure of a thyristor or Si controlled rectifier ( SCR ) Thyristors are normally manufactured from Si, although, in theory other types of semiconducting material could be used. The first ground for utilizing Si for thyistors is that Si is the ideal pick because of its overall belongingss. It is able to manage the electromotive force and currents required for high power applications. Additionally it has good thermal belongingss. The 2nd major ground is that Si engineering is good established and it is widely used for a assortment of semiconducting material electronics constituents. As a consequence it is really inexpensive and easy for semiconducting material makers to utilize. The manner in which a thyristor operates is different to other devices. Normally no current flows across the device. However if a supply is connected across the device, and a little sum of current is injected into the gate, so the device will â€Å" fire † and behavior. It will stay in the conducting province until the supply is removed. To see how the thyristor operates, it is deserving looking at a thyristor tantamount circuit. For the interest of an account, the thyristor circuit can be considered as two dorsum to endorse transistors. The first transistor with its emitter connected to the cathode of the thyristor is an n-p-n device, whereas a 2nd transistor with its emitter connected to the anode of the thyristor, SCR is a p-n-p assortment. The gate is connected to the base of the n-p-n transistor as shown below. Thyristor tantamount circuit Figure 2.3 Thyristor tantamount circuit When a electromotive force is applied across a thyristor no current flows because neither transistor is carry oning. As a consequence there is no complete way across the device. If a little current is passed through the gate electrode, this will turn â€Å" on † the transistor TR2. When this occurs it will do the aggregator of TR2 to fall towards the electromotive force on the emitter, i.e. the cathode of the whole device. When this occurs it will do current to flux through the base of TR1 and turn this transistor â€Å" on † . Again this will now seek to draw the electromotive force on the aggregator of TR1 towards its emitter electromotive force. This will do current to flux in the emitter of TR2, doing its â€Å" on † province to be maintained. In this manner it merely requires a little trigger pulsation on the gate to turn the thyristor on. Once switched on, the thyristor can merely be turned off by taking the supply electromotive force. It can be seen that current will merely flux in one way through the thyristor. If a contrary electromotive force is applied, so no current will flux, even if some gate current is applied. In this manner for thyristor circuits used for AC, operation merely occurs over one half of the AC wave form. For the other half of the rhythm the device remains inoperative and no current can flux. There are many thyristor circuits that are in common usage. They can be sued in many applications from AC control as am utilizing it here to command the velocity of AC motor. The thyristor driver – Opto-isolator: besides called anA optocoupler, A photocoupler, orA optical isolator, is â€Å" an electronic device designed to reassign electrical signals by using light moving ridges to supply matching with electrical isolation between its input and end product † .The chief intent of an opto-isolator is â€Å" to preventA high voltagesA or quickly altering electromotive forces on one side of the circuit from damaging constituents or falsifying transmittals on the other side Degree centigrades: UsersSONYDesktopoptocoupler.jpg Figure 2.4 the Thyristor driver2.3.4 AT89C51 microcontroller:The AT89C51 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit personal computer with 4K bytes of Flash programmable and effaceable read merely memory ( PEROM ) . The device is manufactured utilizing Atmel ‘s high-density nonvolatilizable memory engineering and is compatible with the industry-standard MCS-51 direction set and pinout. The on-chip Flash allows the plan memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatilizable memory coder. By uniting a various 8-bit CPU with Flash on a massive bit, the Atmel AT89C51 is a powerful personal computer which provides a highly-flexible and cost-efficient solution to many embedded control applications. Degree centigrades: UsersSONYDesktopSdochan89C51.jpg Figure 2.5 8051 Microcontroller